Harrisburg, PA DUI Defense Lawyer

Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is an extremely serious matter in Pennsylvania. And yet, all too often, people find it easy or convenient to brush-off the potentially deadly consequences of impaired driving. The Harrisburg police and the Pennsylvania State Police handle suspected drunk driving incidents extremely seriously. If you are facing DUI charges in Pennsylvania you are facing charges that can leave a damaging mark on your professional and social life.
Without experienced legal counsel, you could end up facing a more severe penalty. An experienced legal advocate can review your case to make sure that all steps and procedures were followed. If consequential mistakes can be identified, the allegations you face is extremely likely to be reduced or dismissed. When you work with a DUI defense attorney from Young, Marr, Mallis & Associates, you can rest assured that the full extent of your legal rights will be asserted and protected.
What is Considered a DUI in Harrisburg, PA?
An individual can be charged with a DUI in Pennsylvania if he or she is “incapable of safely driving, operating or being in actual physical control of the movement of the vehicle.” Furthermore, a DUI can also be charged if the individuals BAC exceeds .08% BAC. Finally, a DUI may also be charged for driving while driving under the influence of solvents or noxious chemicals, illegal narcotics or if a metabolite of the illegal substance is present in the drivers’ blood. High and Highest rate of alcohol categories impose enhanced penalties on drivers with BACs greater than .10% and .16%, respectively. Minors, commercial drivers, and school bus drivers also face heightened DUI standards and penalties.
Penalties for a DUI Charge in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania determines drunk driving penalties based on the tier of the alleged BAC and the number of prior DUI convictions. If you were driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs and were involved in an accident you could face:
- General Impairment (BAC of 0.08% or greater, but less than 0.10%) – For a first offense, one could face a mandatory minimum term of six months’ probation, a fine of $300, an order to attend an alcohol highway safety school approved by the department, and undergo all ordered drug and alcohol treatments. A second DUI offense’s consequences could include up to 5 days imprisonment, a fine of up to $2,500, alcohol highway safety school approved by the department, and undergo all ordered drug and alcohol treatments
- High rate of blood alcohol, minors, commercial vehicles, school buses (BAC of 0.10% or greater, but less than 0.16%) – A first offense in this tier could result in up to 48-hours imprisonment, up to $5,000 in fines, traffic safety school, and all ordered drug or alcohol treatment.
- Incapacity; highest blood alcohol; controlled substances (BAC of 0.16% or greater) – T this highest level of impairment, penalties are enhanced beyond either of the previous two categories.
While for first-time offenders Pennsylvania’s ARD program may offer a way out, the program is not available to all who are charged. Furthermore, the greater the number of prior convictions for DUI, the greater the potential penalties one can face.
Let Our Experienced Harrisburg, PA DUI Lawyers Fight for You
When a favorable result is of the utmost importance, you can rely on the experience of Young, Marr, Mallis & Associates. Our committed Harrisburg, PA DUI attorneys possess more than 30 years of collective experience representing clients facing serious DUI charges. In more than 5,000 DUI cases we have handled, greater than 98% of clients facing first time DUI allegations did not receive jail time or a criminal record. While each and every DUI matter is unique and must be judged on its own merit, we approach all of our cases strategically and aggressively.
The criminal defense attorneys of Young, Marr, Mallis & Associates are committed to protecting your rights during the criminal process. We fight to eliminate or reduce the charges our clients face. To schedule a free consultation with a knowledgeable DUI defense lawyer call (215) 701-6519 today to reach our Pennsylvania offices or contact us online.